You only have so many fights in you. Choose carefully.

Описание к видео You only have so many fights in you. Choose carefully.

You only have so many fights in you. There’s only so much trauma the human brain can take. Be careful and selective about the fights you take. Don’t get into gym fights, and definitely don’t get into street fights.

As far as the “I’ll fight anyone in any weight class” attitude… well, I did that, and it was dumb. I fought in 4 different weight classes, and almost killed myself cutting down to the teeny tiny division, and I almost got killed on the other end of the spectrum fighting giants who were cutting down from HUGE to the normal sized guy divisions.

If I could go back in time 20 years and give myself 3 pieces of advice it would be this: (1) don’t jump around in weight classes just because you got offered a fight, there’s always another fight (until you’re broken- which will happen sooner than later with a poorly managed fight career) stick to your natural weight class (2) get more amateur experience before going pro, because the pro leagues are no place to be dealing with amateur issues like performance anxiety and technical deficiencies. (3) don’t spar like an idiot- because we all did back then.


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