Sailfish Fishing, How American Anglers easily catch 500kg giant Sailfish

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Sailfish Fishing, How American Anglers easily catch 500kg giant Sailfish
Hi everybody!! Among the great racers of the ocean, Sailfish is like a shining star with its unbeatable speed performance. They are fish that any fishing enthusiast wants to conquer. So how to catch this powerful fish, let's explore with me!!
Sailfish is one of two marine fish species in the genus Istiophorus, belonging to the family Istiophoridae with a characteristic blue-gray color and a large dorsal fin like a sail. Living in the cold condensed waters of oceans around the globe, sailfish are known for their ability to move the fastest of any marine fish. They grow at a rapid rate, reaching a length of up to 1.5 meters in just one year, and prey mainly on small fish and squid.
How do people catch this nearly extinct fish?
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00:00 Sailfish Fishing
08:10 Giant grouper Fishing
16:40 Pencils Production
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