Peace, A Fish Story | Voltron Vehicle Force | Voltron | Full Episode

Описание к видео Peace, A Fish Story | Voltron Vehicle Force | Voltron | Full Episode

Hazar and his sister, Dorma, agree that true peace with the Alliance must be made or their people are doomed. Though Hazar has been banished from the high council, he vows to continue peace efforts and tries to convince Borgam, who has also been demoted, to strive for the same.

Meanwhile, the Sea Team is exploring a planet that seems to be just like Earth -- only as Earth was 300 million years ago, dinosaurs and all. It's decided that the planet's environment is not ideal for the Alliance, but they stick around to run more scientific tests anyway. In an all-too-familiar routine, Borgam heads out with a fleet, planning all the while to ignore Hazar's plea and attack. He shows up with only three ships and requests talks with Hawkins.

After agreeing that a nearby beach will do for a meeting place, Hawkins and Borgam meet face to face. While they talk and toss accusations at each other, the Voltron teams hover nearby, understandably worried about treachery. And treachery there is, in the form of a Robeast that bursts up from the sands of the beach. The teams move in to distract the beast while Hawkins narrowly escapes without being crushed. The Sea team is temporarily stuck and it looks like forming Voltron will be impossible, but soon all is well with VV once again making short work of the Robeast.
Hazar is livid at Borgam's actions, and the Alliance is saddened another chance at peace was undermined.


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