January 7 | Chronological Bible Audio Edition

Описание к видео January 7 | Chronological Bible Audio Edition

Christ Church presents The Chronological One Year Bible Audio Edition.

Read by Julie Kyker

January 7
0:00 Intro
0:35 Genesis 21: 8 - 20 | Hagar and Ishmael Are Sent Away
2:53 Genesis 21 21: 22 - 34 | Abraham’s Covenant with Abimelech
4:42 Genesis 22: 1 - 24 | Abraham’s Faith Tested
9:04 Genesis 23: 1 - 20 | The Burial of Sarah
11:58 Genesis 11: 32 | The Family of Terah
12:07 Genesis 24: 1 - 67 | A Wife for Isaac
(New Living Translation)

Read today's Scripture: https://bit.ly/ccchrJan07

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Produced at Christ Church Global in Hickory NC
Editor: Matthew Todhunter


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