making yuzu marmalade with two ingredients only ~story 20

Описание к видео making yuzu marmalade with two ingredients only ~story 20

#japan #japancountryside #pinoyinjapan #dearlife #everyone #loveandjoy #lovingeverymoment #lovingnature #gardening #asmr #thankyouforyoursupport #thankyouforwatching #thankyouforsubscribing

spending my day outdoors in my backyard
cleaning , planting , picking some yuzu fruits
and enjoying the weather
and let one day be productive
Happy Sunday everyone

yuzu marmalade is easy
all it needs is yuzu and sugar
plus the processed

Thank you so much for your kindness
Take care everyone
God bless ❤️

respectfully yours

song by
~Chakra Balancing 🎶
song tittle
~ Calm mind 🎶
Music not mine
no infringement intended
Thank you ❤️


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