CrossFit Beyond Strength and Endurance Pyramid

Описание к видео CrossFit Beyond Strength and Endurance Pyramid

10-20-30-20-10 of:
Toes to Bar
Alt. DB Snatch @50/35
Burpee Box Jump Overs @24/20”

Time: 17:34

When I attack a workout I always (probably not for the best) go through and figure out the time per rep and essentially get to a working number without taking fatigue or transitions into consideration. Well I landed just under 16 minutes and that was my mistake. I went out trying to attain that goal and blew up way too early and it absolutely hurt my later rounds. By the round of 30 I was in a bad place, essentially feeling how I wanted to feel in the second round of 20. A few more breaks on the toes to bar than desired and ended up with two breaks on the snatches when I thought worst case scenario was a max of 1. Overall a tough workout. Need to work on footwork to decrease the bbjo time by about half a second a rep. Doesn’t sound like about but could have saved over a minute on a workout like this. Give this one a go!


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