Immortal unchained more bosskills

Описание к видео Immortal unchained more bosskills

Shreder producer,gaemer,guitarplayer and epic content creator from Sweden

Im Alex Ray Shredmachine i mostly post music , gaeming ,reviews and guitarcontent!

i been a guitarplayer for over 16 years and i released my first solo album when i was 17 years old

all the titles i have : guitarplayer, bassplayer, singer, producer , mixer, songwriter , artist, gaemer, bossdesigner, gameanalyticsdesigner of mechanics.

guitarbrands i use : fender , evh , charvel, ibanez , landola , harley bemton Blade
Amps i use DOD, marshall, Yamaha, Boss
Microphones i use : Aston orgins

Games that i play on this channel

Dark souls 1,2,3
Devil may cry series
onimusha blade warriors
onimusha series
code vein
witcher series
soul calibur series
Dynasty warriors series
i focus a lot on fighting , RPGS and hack n slash games
MY current music projects

Dark swords & dark arts

Instagram : Alex ray Gorgandantess
facebook : Alex ray shredmachine

Remember to shred! and subscribe


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