Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends - Sima Yi 6 Star Weapon Guide

Описание к видео Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends - Sima Yi 6 Star Weapon Guide

Goal: Get Xiahou Ba to join you within 8 minutes.

Stage: Riot at Luoyang

Guide: Really simple, just play the stage normally and you should get it. Just remember to not let the messengers reach Xiahou Ba, or he'll join Cao Shuang.

Play in Free Mode so you can use Red Hare to go after the messengers faster, though you could do fine even on foot. The messengers spawn coming from the center, then once that one is killed another spawns coming from the east, then once that one is killed a final one comes from the center again. After that, make sure you go to the gate near Xiahou Ba, or he won't join you.

Time: 5:35, leaving about 3 minutes for error.

Location: In the hallway west of the throne room where Cao Shuang initally is.

You must be playing on Hard difficulty or higher to get the weapon.
You must be playing as the required character to unlock the weapon.
You can only have 1 of the unique weapons.


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