Daniel G Taylor Webinar on Craig Keegan

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Good morning.
Daniel G. Taylor, copy chief and marketing strategist at Mayer Marketing Agency, with a short message to introduce you to the best networker I’ve ever met.
And when I say the best, I’m comparing him to the likes of Ivan Misner, founder of the behemoth networking group, BNI, who I interviewed a couple of years back.
The person I want to introduce you to is Craig Keegan.
His latest venture is Property Profits Network, where he helps people get 50 new clients over the next 12 months.
But I met him an event back in 2006.
You don’t have to go to many business and networking events before you quickly realise that most networkers fall into the same mould. As soon as you meet them, they’re trying to convert you into a buyer and they don’t actually care what you do or who they are.
At first, I placed Craig in that group of networkers and I ignored him for a couple of years. Boy, was that a mistake.
I changed my view of Craig a couple of years ago when I got an email from him, asking if I’d connect with his son on LinkedIn. His son, Christopher, was starting his professional life and Craig wanted him to build a strong network straight out the gate.
I was impressed. But I still didn’t think too much of it.
Then last year, I attended Dale Beaumont’s 52 Ways event in Melbourne and ran into Craig and his son.
We chatted briefly, and that night, I got an email from Craig with the notes he’d typed from the event.
I was impressed. This made him stand out.
Every time I’ve spoken to Craig or interacted with him, he is always connecting me with someone who he knows can help me and I can help them.
And now, he’s combined his value on property investing with his networking skills and the result is the Property Profits Network.
Rather than steal his thunder, check out what he’s doing and click here: www.bit.ly/PPN_Self_Qualify.
All I'll say is that it’s for you if you have any role in real estate or property investing or you work in that industry. He makes sure people in the network get 50 new clients -- clients, not leads -- in the next 12 months.
Also, consider connecting with Craig. He’d appreciate having you in his network and I promise you’ll benefit from being connected with him.
You can connect to him on his LinkedIn or Facebook.
But turn the tables on Craig. Don’t connect with him looking at what you can get out of it. Look at his profiles and consider ways you can give to him.
In doing so, you will be an extraordinary networker yourself.
Before you go, why not hit reply and tell me a story of the best networker you’ve ever known and what made them so.
Until tomorrow, much love and live limitless.
Daniel G. Taylor
Copy Chief & Marketing Strategist
Mayer Marketing Agency
PO Box 1124 | Elwood VIC 3184 | Australia
P.S. If you work in the real estate industry or invest in property, don't miss your chance to learn more about the Property Profits Network. Click here: www.bit.ly/PPN_Self_Qualify.


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