2024 Mercedes GLC and EQE Production in Germany

Описание к видео 2024 Mercedes GLC and EQE Production in Germany

The Bremen plant is identified as a lead plant that controls the production of the GLC in the global production network of Mercedes-Benz. The plant has been producing the GLC and its predecessor models since 2008, and it's notable for having a high degree of flexibility in its production system, allowing different models and powertrains to be assembled on a single production line. This flexibility is crucial in adapting to changes in customer demand at any time​.

The production of the next-generation GLC, codenamed X254, commenced at the Mercedes-Benz Bremen and Sindelfingen plants, with Bremen being a significant site for GLC production. By the end of 2022, it was reported that the compact luxury SUV would start rolling off the production line. The new GLC model is also being produced in the Mercedes-Benz plant in Beijing, China, showcasing a globally coordinated production effort​.

In addition to the GLC, the Bremen plant also accommodates the production of other models including the all-electric EQC and EQE models. These electric models are built on the same production line as the GLC, demonstrating the plant's modern assembly system which bundles different technologies efficiently. The highly flexible and digitized assembly system in Bremen, as well as in Sindelfingen, enables a broad model mix, making it possible to react flexibly to market developments and changing customer demand​.

There's an indication that Mercedes-Benz is preparing for the market launch of electric variants of CLA and GLC in 2024. However, it's noted that these electric models might no longer be marketed under the EQ label​​.

The EQ lineup, which presumably includes the EQE, shares space at the Bremen plant with other models like the GLC F-CELL, a plug-in fuel-cell vehicle, highlighting the plant's capability in handling various types of vehicle technologies​​.

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