Tidal Power Plant Working PPT | Types | Fixed Dome | Floating Dome | Renewable Energy | Lecture

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Tidal Power Plant Working PPT | Types | Fixed Dome | Floating Dome | Renewable Energy | Lecture
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Tidal power plants harness the energy from the ebb and flow of tides to generate electricity. Here's how they typically work:

Tidal Range: Tidal power plants are usually built in areas with high tidal ranges, where the difference in water level between high and low tides is significant. This height variation represents potential energy that can be captured.

Tidal Barrage or Turbines: One common method involves constructing a tidal barrage, which is a dam-like structure built across a tidal estuary or bay. Another method employs underwater turbines placed on the ocean floor. These turbines are similar to wind turbines but are submerged in water.

Capture of Energy: As the tide comes in and the water level rises, it's allowed to pass through turbines or sluice gates in the barrage. Alternatively, underwater turbines capture the kinetic energy of the moving water. This flow of water turns the blades of the turbines, converting kinetic energy into mechanical energy.

Electricity Generation: The rotating turbines are connected to generators, which convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy. This electricity is then transmitted to the grid for distribution to homes and businesses.

Tidal Reversal: As the tide recedes and the water level drops, the direction of flow reverses. In tidal barrages, the gates or turbines are reversible, allowing them to generate electricity both when the tide comes in and when it goes out.

Environmental Considerations: Tidal power plants must consider their environmental impact, particularly on marine ecosystems and local habitats. Careful design and siting are essential to minimize disruption to marine life.

Overall, tidal power plants offer a reliable and renewable source of energy, as tides are predictable and consistent phenomena. However, they are limited to coastal areas with suitable tidal conditions, and the upfront costs of construction can be substantial.

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