Everything You Want to Know About the Christian Cross

Описание к видео Everything You Want to Know About the Christian Cross

Inspired by the hymn "The Old Rugged Cross," Prophet Nina Marino explains the history of this symbol and why the Christian cross has changed over time and across cultures.

Prophet Nina gave this message on November 5, 2023 for Metanoia, the Sunday school program at Sanctuary International Fellowship Tabernacle - SIFT. For more information about Sanctuary, visit https://welcomeinthisplace.org/.

0:00 Welcome to Sanctuary!
1:09 A crash course on the Christian cross
1:47 Symbols Christians used before the cross
2:32 The cross symbol predates Christianity
4:23 Popular types of crosses
7:08 Ankh (crux ansata), adopted by Coptic Christians
10:42 Celtic cross, adopted by Protestants
12:21 Swastika (crux gammata), adopted by early Christians
14:55 St. Andrew's cross (crux decussata)
15:25 St. Anthony's cross (tau, or crux commissa)
15:43 The Latin cross (crux immissa)
16:31 The Greek cross (crux quadrata)
17:13 The Cross of St. Peter
17:42 The Maltese Cross
19:33 Why Christians didn't like the cross symbol at first
20:12 A 3rd-century meme helped make the Christian cross famous
21:24 A quick history of Constantine, Christianity, and the cross
22:51 The cross and crucifix in the Catholic tradition
25:01 The cross in the Protestant tradition
25:22 The cross, the Crusades, and religious social activism
25:53 Unholy uses of the Christian cross
26:17 Final thoughts


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