Beautiful Waterfalls I Land of Waterfalls I Andaman & Nicobar Islands I Nature at the Best

Описание к видео Beautiful Waterfalls I Land of Waterfalls I Andaman & Nicobar Islands I Nature at the Best

‪@DiscoveryLAT‬ ‪@NatureattheBest‬ ‪@NatGeo‬

Welcome to the Land of Waterfalls, Little Andaman. This video is combination of five different waterfalls from the Little Andaman. The name 'Land of Waterfalls' is given by the owner of this channel. The different waterfalls are:

1. Krishna Waterfall
2. Whitesurf Waterfall
3. Tikrey Waterfall
4. 22 Km Waterfall and
5. Cave clear water

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