Buffed Shadow Drapion goes a perfect 5-0 in the ultra and ultra Premier season 8 go battle league

Описание к видео Buffed Shadow Drapion goes a perfect 5-0 in the ultra and ultra Premier season 8 go battle league

In todays video we are taking a look at the newly buffed posion sting shadow Drapion.

Posion sting got buffed to 4.5EPT making it a clone of mudhot thundershock and phycho cut. Making it the joint second quickest energy generating charge move behind lock on.

The team I am using is a lead of Shadow Swampert running mudshot hydro cannon and earthquake

Shadow Snorlax as the damage sponge ( safe swap ) with lick body slam and super power

Shadow Drapion running posion sting crunch and sludge bomb

Shout to my boy Jmoney aka NoMoney who made the logo link to his stuff and be found below I highly recommend you check him out 👇
   • Pokemon GO! GBL: Great League is back...  

If you're on Facebook I highly recommend you check out the pvp fightclub it's biggest community of its kind 👇https://www.facebook.com/groups/pokem...

if you'd like to contact me or have any suggestions on shaodw pokemon you'd like me to.showcase contact me on twitter

thanks for watching see you all in the next one


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