creatrix -becoming her- final film

Описание к видео creatrix -becoming her- final film

final film created for my dissertation to be projected alongside live performance.

if you see the spelling mistake like actually shut up no one even asked like who actually cares like is it even deep bro like stop bringing it uppp leave me alonneeee why you so obsessed with spelling man so crazy like actually stop shut up I'm fed up give is a rest nothings even spelt wrong at all.

a short film consuming the divine.
a transformation unfolds under the veil of night. once adorned in the silken trappings of humanity her movements become fluid and predatory.
she approaches a delicate bloom, its petals whispering secrets, her form begins to shift, limbs elongating into stems.
She is bound.
Flesh to flesh.
Bone to bone.
Veins lacing into another’s. Another body. Her body.
My body.


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