Black Hills Dirt Biking...SURPRISE!!

Описание к видео Black Hills Dirt Biking...SURPRISE!!

WOAH. Okay, I was not expecting that. Grant and I didn't have enough on our we added wedding planning! What do you think of the non-farm video? Time to start a new channel? More farming stuff to come😉 Thanks for being along for the ride!! You are all so generous! I can't thank you enough for your support, love, and encouragement! As always, you guys are my youtube family. I love you all. So many good questions and suggestions! Here's where else you can find me...

Send me your favorite snacks!! Or stickers! Or letters!! Or things that are special to where you're from!! I love it all. :)
Laura Farms
PO Box 536
Aurora, NE 68818

Facebook - Laura Farms
Instagram- @laura_farms
Twitter- @carlsonlaura64
Patreon - Laura Farms
Venmo - @carlsonlaura
Shirt Size - Small/Medium
Sweatshirt Size - Medium

Grant- (Laura's Boyfriend)
Snapchat- the-grantwilson (add him for great stories)
Instagram- @making_a_farmer
Twitter- @makingafarmer
Shirt Size - XL

Cale- (Laura's Dad)
Instagram- @leaad
Twitter- @leaadfarms
YouTube - LEAAD Farms
Shirt Size - Large


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