EmbassyMedia - WARSAY - ሓባራዊ ዘተ - ዋርሳይ 'መላግቦን ቅኒትን ሰለስተ ወለዶ'

Описание к видео EmbassyMedia - WARSAY - ሓባራዊ ዘተ - ዋርሳይ 'መላግቦን ቅኒትን ሰለስተ ወለዶ'

“ተልእኾ ኤርትራዊ ሃገራውነት ዘጒልሐ፡ ሓይሊ ውዳቤታትና ዘረጋገጸ፡ ንወለዶታት ከም ሰንሰለታዊ ቀለቤት ዘተኣሳሰረ’ ሓባራዊ ዘተ - ዋርሳይ 'መላግቦን ቅኒትን ሰለስተ ወለዶ'.
Panel Discussion, with Abraham Sium, Wedi Belay, Berhane Fasil, Mogos Zemichael and Berhane Woldegiorgish 'Wedi Keshi'. - WARSAY - The national service of Eritrea is the biggest national institution and national practice that brings together hundreds of thousands of Eritrean youth in service to meet the country’s critical needs in social, economic, cultural and political sectors. Service to the country and community has a long tradition and strong foundation. ktet, wefera and maetot are part and parcel of Eritrean people and are a common socio-cultural practices. In addition to the well-known national service, there are also supportive programs and interventions like summer campaign of secondary school students. Every summer, students are participated in various activities of public safety and environmental protection. The summer campaign run by ministry of education has two broad goals: one is to provide direct beneficial service to the country and the other is to produce positive effects on the young students in areas that include civic engagement, volunteerism and life skills.

#Eritrea, #Warsay, #EastAfrica, #BorderWar,


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