Question (cover - The Moody Blues / Justin Hayward)

Описание к видео Question (cover - The Moody Blues / Justin Hayward)

When Owen first learned this song, back in around 1986, he would play it loudly (and badly) on pianos in his school's music room at lunchtimes, much to the chagrin of the Head of Music, ‪@pmadamson‬, who would loudly exclaim, "Don't bash pianos!" Owen did not learn his lesson, and continued to bash pianos. Perhaps he should have heeded that sage advice from 40 years ago, as repeated bashing of his own piano in the making of this video left him with a sprained index finger. :) Andrea was thankfully uninjured, being sufficiently far away across the Atlantic to avoid any piano-bash ricochet.

Which is a long and cautionary tale by way of introduction to this Justin Hayward classic from The Moody Blues, given the Aeon Wanderers twist. This is our first duo cover of the Moodies, but Owen may have done a handful more over at ‪@ThinkingAloud‬ - go check 'em out! Also look out for growing vines - we're quite pleased with them. ;)


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