Lament of the Highborne

Описание к видео Lament of the Highborne

Lament of the Highborne

Even though the Banshee Queen's heart may no longer beat, it can still be stirred by memories of the past...

During their adventures in the Ghostlands, members of the Horde may come across a small trinket known as "The Lady's Necklace" -- a gift bestowed on Lady Sylvanas Windrunner years ago by her beloved sister, Alleria. Upon returning this important keepsake to Sylvanas in the depths of the Undercity, players will be rewarded with the "Lament of the Highborne," a haunting dirge sung in mourning of all those lost at the Fall of Quel'Thalas.

Composed by Derek Duke and Russell Brower, with featured vocals by Vangie Gunn, "Lament of the Highborne" is currently available on iTunes as part of the World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade official game soundtrack. For more information or to download this track, visit the iTunes Store.


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Shindu Sin'dorei
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Shindu Sin'dorei
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