Talk Vlog #37: Apology video about Swift

Описание к видео Talk Vlog #37: Apology video about Swift

That's my apology video that I made about Taylor Swift because I was only Giving my thoughts and reasons why I Don't like her and what she's doing, Nowadays. Turns out that video was pretty much uncalled for and I feel like I upsetting the fans who liked her nowadays. I mean, I respect there's opinions on her. Yes I did called her random names and everything.

Keep in mind! A Singer/band/Artis, Movie, Show, Game and everything has a Fanbase and a hater.
but the Taylor Swift Fans Didn't seemed to get it. So, I don't know.

Anyway, I guess that's how there life works I guess.

I'm still apologize for what I said and did from that video.

Team Wolves Respect and Forgive Me


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