[1] Object Detection Tutorial | Using YoloV10 & Python | MacOS

Описание к видео [1] Object Detection Tutorial | Using YoloV10 & Python | MacOS

Let me know what you'd like to see next! Downloads & commands below 👇

[IDE & Python Installer]
IDE: https://code.visualstudio.com/
Python: https://brew.sh/

[PIP Install Commands]
OpenCV: pip3 install opencv-python
CVZone: pip3 install cvzone
Ultralytics: pip3 install ultralytics

[YOLO Docs]
Ultralytics: https://docs.ultralytics.com/models/

[Access to all Tutorial Files]
GitHub: https://github.com/hijScripts/Tutoria...

[My Socials]
LinkedIn:   / harrisonxjenkins  
GitHub: https://github.com/hijScripts
Instagram:   / hj.1902  


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