The Return of Bermuda Shorts Spring's Hottest Trend

Описание к видео The Return of Bermuda Shorts Spring's Hottest Trend

Okay first up and probably one of my favorite trends for spring is the return of Bermuda shorts Now I love everything about Bermuda shorts They are tailored they kind of cover your legs if like me you don't always like showing them off The Bermuda shorts that I've seen are a mixture of tailored so they're a little bit like a shorter version of the tailored man-style trousers that we've been seeing in the last couple of seasons and I also have seen some that are a little bit more kind of sporty with more of an elasticated waist but essentially they are like your classic Bermuda short which falls just below your knee although I do recall seeing some that are a little shorter say just above your knee but there kind of is something for everyone I love the fact that they're really easily paired back with a simple t-shirt or a tank or some of the other on-trend tops that I'm going to talk about shortly but I think a lot of you will be as excited as I am to see the return of Bermuda shorts


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