PUZZLEMAN LIVE - 失眠的動物園與布朗克斯女孩|Cook the Vibe 顏社煮場秀

Описание к видео PUZZLEMAN LIVE - 失眠的動物園與布朗克斯女孩|Cook the Vibe 顏社煮場秀

夜幕低垂之際,流連忘返的人們發現眼前閃現一道孱弱的光,那是 PUZZLEMAN 為你開張的靈魂小酒吧,準備用他的巧手調配出好貨拯 chill 你,基底加入了不慍不火尾勁卻濃厚的提醒:別忘記那些最重要的事。

PUZZLEMAN LIVE 一連四場,每週五晚間上線,敬請訂閱顏社頻道,陪你喝一杯!

00:00《要 Yao》
02:10《思鄉病 Home sick》
04:50《數數 Counting》
06:31《週日天晴 Sunny sunday》




#顏社煮場秀 #CooktheVibe 節目表

① 雙廚出任務  — #夜貓組 ft. #李權哲
② 大男孩小當家  — #春艷
③ 魔性饒舌主廚  — #Leo王 ft. #蛋堡
④ 最地道嘻哈總舖師  — #國蛋
👨‍🍳 每集開場嘉賓  — #PUZZLEMAN

買 BOXSET餐盒/單場票 看好秀 ➤➤

購買後可無限次觀看至 2020/12/31 止


● 音樂製作 ●
現場錄音師|戴建宇 Jungle K
混音師|王昱辰 Yuchain Wang
Monitor Engineer|黃勝偉 Kane Huang
硬體統籌|聞理 Fred

● 影像製作 ●
導演|順 Shaun Liu
製片組|林倖如 Sing-ru Lin、古朝瀚 Harry Goo
攝影師|陳貞文 Chen Wen Chen、周奕 Joy Chou、楊大慶 Claude Yang
燈光師|彭嘉慶 Chia Ching Peng
燈光助理|曾鈺展 Yu Chan Tseng
剪接師|盧姵文 Phoebe Lu
剪接助理|蘇芳榆 Fang Yu Su
調光師|萬芷瑋 Abby Wan
特別感謝|戴偉軒 Ken Tai、鄭宏章 Hong Chang Cheng
藝人妝髮|陳晞 Star Chen
髮妝助理|許培涵 Echo
藝人造型|林智強 Joey Lin
造型助理|謝翱 Ao

出品人|張逸聖 Dela
製作人|張逸聖 Dela、劉柏君 Chris
專案經理|游伶雅 Anita
藝人經紀|汪牧君 Mumu
執行團隊|郭家蓉 Mary、蘇禹瑄 SU、呂儀婷 51

場地協力|貓下去敦北俱樂部&俱樂部男孩沙龍 MEOWVELOUS INC.

出品|顏社企業有限公司 KAO!INC.



A representative of finger drumming in Taiwan, PUZZLEMAN is experienced in advertising background music. Clever at blending electronic music into traditional culture, he records everyday sounds to create soulful groove and tell everyday encounters.

PUZZLEMAN is also one of the founders of Kuma Tribe, a mountain music festival. A nature lover, he wants to promote camping as a lifestyle and thus holds music gigs, events, and markets to help people discover more possibilities of outdoor life.

PUZZLEMAN can always console lost souls and confused minds, leading you to listen to your heart of hearts and find peace in yourself.


About our show: Cook the Vibe

"Cook the Vibe" was a series of online concerts by Taiwanese hip-hop innovators GorDoN, Leo Wang, Chunyan and Yeemao, all of the label KAO!INC. The artists recorded live sets in the kitchens of their favorite Taipei eateries, which dropped online from Aug 26 to Sept 16, 2020, and were available to view until Dec. 31, 2020.

Why perform and record in restaurant kitchens? For one, it just seemed like a fun, whack idea to all involved. But Dela Chang, head of KAO!INC. and producer of the shows, also had a deeper view: the kitchen is to the chef as the rehearsal studio is to the rapper. Both are centers of raw creativity that feed the soul.

With that in mind, "Cook the Vibe" was born. Backed by a full crew of musicians laying down fresh grooves in real time, Leo, Chunyan, GorDoN, and Yeemao dished out rhymes in four shows at four restaurants, making for off-the-cuff, intimate performances like no other.

Meanwhile, online viewers got to enjoy some genuine kitchen vibes. The price of admission to watch these shows was to buy special snack food packages designed by KAO!INC. Viewers received their "food boxes" via a home delivery service, and then scanned the QR code printed on the snack packaging to access the videos.

Soaking in live hip-hop while partaking in some tasty grub, Taiwanese music fans experienced a unique mash-up of two primal passions: food and music. In these times, it was just the thing everyone needed.

自然を愛する彼は、自然と共生する意識を広めるために、毎年友人たちと山の中で「黑熊部落KUMA TRIBE」というキャンプフェスを開催している。

Cook the Vibeとは、台湾の著名なHipHopレーベルである「顏社 KAO!INC.」が企画製作した全4回のオンラインライブセッション番組である。美食家であるレーベルオーナーのDela発案の下、4軒の台北の人気レストランの厨房で繰り広げられたレーベル所属のラッパーと実力派ミュージシャン達の熱いセッション!台湾では初の有料配信ライブとなった当イベントでは、特別にデザインされた特製ミールボックスを販売。4回の各ライブをそれぞれイメージした4種類の食品がセットになっており、自宅で大いに楽しめる企画となった。


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