Mei Hero Mastery Updated Easy 5 Stars Veteran

Описание к видео Mei Hero Mastery Updated Easy 5 Stars Veteran

Watch Dripping's go left vet route too. Might be easier if you still struggle with the zooming bot.    • 「Hero Mastery」 MEI 5 STAR ALL COURSES...  

Wow they decreased the time limit by 10 seconds. Maybe they didn't like people being able to get 57/57 coins. I cut out so many coins for this 5 Stars and you should be able to miss a few shots (not too many). But hey, they made all bullet sizes bigger in Season 9.

Killing all the bots is still worth so much here so we still have to kill the zooming bot. Luckily, you should be able to miss twice on it. Try to spam jump up the slopes in the first section. It is a huge time grace to shoot the fast-moving bot.

0:24 leave the top bot alive so we can have an easier end section cycle.
0:50 Reload after dropping down. (possibly shoot the left bot next to the shield bot below first though). You want full ammo to freeze and still have enough to kill the 2 hill bots. Try to place your ult so that any bots far from the shield bot can walk closer without being slowed/frozen far away from the shield bot. If you run out of ammo, just drop down to the jumppad and reload there. Don't reload and stay on the slope.

This route picks up an additional coin so you can miss a coin down at the group freeze, a topmost jumppad coin, or the single top coin we pick up after we land. It might be possible to collect the barrel coins but there's no way that is easier as we would have to sacrifice coins around the ult pack or going out of the way from the other coin paths.

Good luck!


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