Tutorial // I-Cord Bind Off (Decorative Bind Off for Knitting)

Описание к видео Tutorial // I-Cord Bind Off (Decorative Bind Off for Knitting)

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With Right Side of Work Facing, work as follows:

1. CO 4 sts using knitted-CO.
2. K3, ssk.
3. Slip 4 stitches purlwise back to left needle.

Repeat steps 2 & 3 until 3 sts remain. BO rem sts as follows:
K2tog twice. Pass first stitch over second stitch. Fasten off.

How I Knit the SSK (Slip, Slip Knit) Stitch:    • How I Knit the SSK (Slip, Slip, Knit)...  

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