Homeowners Say Don't Buy D.R. Horton Homes

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SPANISH FORT, Ala. (WPMI) One local neighborhood says it is fed up with builder D.R. Horton. Homeowners in Grace Magnolias off Highway 31 near Spanish Fort say the company isn't addressing their safety concerns. Now, several people have put signs in their yard that say, "Based on my experience I wound not purchase a D.R. Horton Home!" "Potentially, there are going to be more of these signs than there are for sale signs," said Nicole Thompson. Thompson says she unintentionally bought water front property. "My yard is always a marsh," said Thompson. Next door at Kevin Wood's home, his yard stays soggy also. Wood says last month a project manager with D.R. Horton dug a hole to investigate the water issue. Wood says, the project manager told him he had a problem, but yet, nothing's been done to fix it. "I'm scared it may be a sink hole. There's little children running around here," said Wood. Down the street, Kristy Bush says one month after she moved in raw sewage backed up in both her bathrooms. "The tub and the shower, and the other tub in the other bathroom were like half way full of sewage," said Bush. Since then, she says she's had a/c problems, water seeping into her garage, and now her patio ceiling is warping. While the issues vary from homeowner to homeowner, all have the same complaint. "They ignore me," said Wood. "As a customer, it's just a lack of respect." And that's why they say they're putting up the signs, to warn other potential buyers. Local 15 News called the local D.R. Horton office Monday afternoon for a response. No one returned the call.


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