16 Track Types in Cubase Explained (Tutorial)

Описание к видео 16 Track Types in Cubase Explained (Tutorial)

In this video tutorial, I show you some tips and tricks for how to use all 16 of the track types in Cubase. Audio, Instrument, MIDI, Sampler, FX, Group, VCA, Arranger, Chord, Marker, Ruler, Signature, Tempo, Transpose, Video and Folder Tracks are covered. I hope you enjoy it and check out the links below:

Akai MPK 261 MIDI Controller: http://amzn.to/2ub65RD
Cubase Pro 9: http://amzn.to/2jUGFlV
Cubase Artist 9: http://amzn.to/2jRjWqt
Cubase Elements 9: http://amzn.to/2j6tKbS


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