Low Impact Workout with Light Weights (42 Mins) - Build a Combo Total Body Workout

Описание к видео Low Impact Workout with Light Weights (42 Mins) - Build a Combo Total Body Workout

This is a great class to do on a day when you want to move and build some heat, but aren't looking for the hardest workout you've ever done. Now before you think it's easy, I should add the first combo is very challenging (side plank work!), but the second two will leave you feeling energized, not totally spent.

Watch a quick preview of class here:    • Total body low impact workout with li...  

In this class, we start with a guided warm up, focusing on mobility and dynamic movement. We then move onto our build-a-combo-strength work.

In each of the three sequences, you'll gradually build a combination of movements over a brief interval (90 seconds - 2:30 mins).

Here's a general breakdown of each combo:
—Movement A
—Movement A + B
—Movement A + B + C
—Movement C

In each of the combos, you'll do each combo twice on the right and twice on the left.

Between the combos you get a minute to recover, but pause the video and take more time if needed. Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed.

We finish class with a guided cool down and stretch.

01:19 Warm Up & Mobility

08:49 Build a Combo Workout
Combo 1 - 90 sec
Side plank lift
Top arm raise
Rotation to plank
Just rotate

Combo 2 - 2 min
Sumo to split lunge pivot
Lunge hinge
Knee drive with kickback
Just knee drive

Combo 3 - 2:30 min
SL pelvis rotation
Curtsy with bent raise
Just squat to curtsy

41:03 Cool Down & Stretch



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