Adaptive Equipment: Car Armrest Handle

Описание к видео Adaptive Equipment: Car Armrest Handle

Welcome to SallyCares! In today's video, we're diving into a piece of adaptive equipment: the Car Armrest Handle.

As a registered occupational therapist, I understand the challenges many people face when getting in and out of their vehicles. Whether you have limited mobility, are recovering from surgery, or simply need a little extra support, the Car Armrest Handle can make a significant difference in your daily life.

In this video, we'll explore:
*What is a Car Armrest Handle?* An introduction to the device and how it can assist with safe and easy vehicle entry and exit.
*Who can benefit?* We'll discuss the types of individuals who may find this tool helpful, including older adults, those with arthritis, and people with injuries or disabilities.
*How to use it effectively:* I'll demonstrate the proper use of the Car Handle Armrest to ensure maximum safety and support.
*Real-life scenarios:* See how this tool can be integrated into daily routines, helping you maintain your independence.

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Car Arm Handel -  
Link -   
Description - 2Pack Car Door Handle for Elderly Car Handle Assist Support Handle Multifunction Handle Car Door Latch Handle for Seniors and Handicapped.
Price - $17.99

#SallyCares #AdaptiveEquipment #OccupationalTherapy #CarHandleArmrest #MobilityAid #SeniorCare #Independence #HealthAndWellness #DisabilitySupport #otlife

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