Maximize Value from your CX Program

Описание к видео Maximize Value from your CX Program

"Customer experience (CX) programs offer the potential for long-term return on investment (ROI) derived from improved satisfaction, loyalty, advocacy, and retention. But sometimes executives face pressure to justify CX in the short-term, possibly at the cost of reducing or eliminating the necessary focus on the customer.

Learn how to realize value from your CX program, in the short- and long-term. CX executives and those responsible for CX, including Marketing and Operations department heads, should attend this webinar where Alchemer thought leaders will share critical information and tips regarding CX justification and ROI.

Ensure that your company realizes value from your CX program.

Director of Growth Marketing Jeannie Zaemes will host Jon Wood, Onboarding Manager, and Alli Milne, Digital Learning Content Manager, for a 30-minute conversation about how innovative CX leads can realize value from their own CX programs.

Join Jon and Alli to learn how to:
-Select the best KPIs for your business
-Beat survey fatigue for employees and customers alike
-Tackle the biggest challenges facing CX execs
-Tie survey and other feedback data to ROI"


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