遥想 苏幕遮——为中阮,筝与民族乐团而作(2019)

Описание к видео 遥想 苏幕遮——为中阮,筝与民族乐团而作(2019)

遥想 • 苏幕遮 中阮与筝协奏曲


《遥想 • 苏幕遮》是一首为中阮,古筝与民族乐团而创作的民族管弦乐作品,2019年6月由新加坡鼎艺团与四川天姿国乐室内乐团在成都联合首演。我创作这首曲子的缘起,是从一场名为“海上丝路”的音乐会开始。2019年,新加坡鼎艺团的指挥黄德励先生邀请我为一场具有文化交流意义的音乐会创作新曲,音乐题材须与“丝绸之路”相关。那时正值初夏,窗外有凉风阵阵,拂动了窗边一只风铃,“叮”的一声不禁让我思绪远去,想起了关于“苏幕遮”的故事。


Sumuzhe Fantasie

composer: Mao Zhu

The term "Sumuzhe" originated from Persian and has evolved over time, taking on distinct meanings in each historical era. In the Tang Dynasty (618-907), "Sumuzhe" was a popular form of music and dance in the Qiūcí kingdom (today's Kucha region of Xinjiang, China), combining masquerade and ambulatory drama. With the rise of Qiūcí music in the central plains, "Sumuzhe" integrated into the official system, becoming a notable part of the Tang Dynasty court music repertoire. Due to continuous wars in the late Tang Dynasty, musicians gradually departed from the court, leading to the dispersion of court music, including 'Sumuzhe,' into folklore. After the Tang and Five Dynasties, "Sumuzhe" transitioned into literature and poetry, adopting the specific format and meter known as Ci Pai. By the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Ci Pai "Sumuzhe" had become a prominent feature in many poetic works created by literati, and some of the finest Song poems associated with "Sumuzhe" are recited to this day. While spreading in the central plains of China, "Sumuzhe" music also moved from west to east, and ultimately to Japan, where it became a piece of dance music named "Sumozhe" in Japanese Gagaku. This traditional dance music "Sumozhe" has been passed down in Shitennoji Temple in Osaka, and is still performed today, preserving the rich cultural legacy of "Sumuzhe". "Sumuzhe Fantasie" is a musical work composed by the author for the Chinese orchestra in 2019. The three musical themes in "Sumuzhe Fantasie" respectively correspond to the image of "Sumuzhe" in different eras: the typical musical scales and modes from the Song Dynasty, the timbre characteristics of Sho and Hichiriki in Japanese Gagaku music, and the music style of Uyghur Muqam. Using Chinese orchestral music as a carrier, the composer embarked on a cultural root-seeking journey of "Sumuzhe" in music.


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