[Find Mii II] Secret Quest with less than 50 different Miis

Описание к видео [Find Mii II] Secret Quest with less than 50 different Miis

After I went to an anime convention, I was thinking of picking up the Mii Plaza mini-games again, and since I moved to the custom server Pretendo, I thought it'd be a fun idea to tackle some of those mini-games.

I'm quite surprised how straight-forward the top route is in Find Mii II's secret quest!? Almost the whole top route-run can be done with 2 level 7 red-shirt Miis! I even made a bad mistake in the Castle of Darkness's freeze room where I didn't beat its previous level with two red Miis... And yet, I managed to got a run that beat the final boss with less than 50 different Miis!? Holy schnitzels... xD

I'm sure you can make use of sleep/freeze magic to make specific sections even faster. The power of the potions is stupidly broken, you can even save a few more Play Coins.

I get that not everyone is capable of actually managing to get a similar run like this since it really depends on your high-leveled heroes, and not everyone is using Streetpass these days, neither do make use of Pretendo's Streetpass Relay feature (or other "Spotpass-to-Streetpass" features). But here's to show how exploitable this mini-game actually can be.
Now I haven't looked it up, but I can imagine speedruns of this mini-game is actually doable! I just never went deep enough of this since, honestly, I did not like Find Mii II that much, until I just looked at it and went "...! Waaaait a second..." :')

Streetpass Mii Plaza & Find Mii/Streetpass Quest (c) 2011 Nintendo


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