Highlights of Bukhara Uzbekistan

Описание к видео Highlights of Bukhara Uzbekistan

Lyabi Hauz complex of XVI-XVII centuries. The Lyabi Hauz ensemble, surrounding the pool on three sides, consists of the Kukeldash Madrasah and two religious edifices built by Nadir Divan-Beghi: a khanqah and a madrasah

Puppet master at Atelier de Marionettes

Four medieval (16th century) trading domes

Magokki Attari Mosque, built on the site of a Buddhist and Zoroastrian temple

Ulugbek Madrasah built by Tamerlane’s grandson;

Abdul-Aziz Khan Madrasah (17th century)

Abdullah Khan Tim market (16th century) which was used by Afghan silk and wool traders

Magnificent architectural complex of Poy Kalon (12th-16th centuries)

Mir Arab functional madrasah

Minaret Kalon

Kalon mosque

Majestic Ark Citadel, the residence of the Emir until 1920.

Chor Minor Madrasah with an unusual outward shape


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