Lesson 18 Paul's Three-fold Prayer for the Church at Thessalonica, 1 Thessalonians

Описание к видео Lesson 18 Paul's Three-fold Prayer for the Church at Thessalonica, 1 Thessalonians

Elisabeth Elliott once said, “Prayer is irksome. We are reluctant to start and delighted to end.” Unfortunately, that seems to be true for many Christians. Many believers have a difficult time with prayer, and in fact many will say it is the most difficult aspect of their walk with the Lord.
However, when we look at the apostle Paul we would have to admit that Paul was a man who seemed delighted to begin praying and reluctant to end. He is the one who admonishes the church at Thessalonica to pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17). And certainly when we look at his life and all the prayers recorded for us we can say that Paul indeed prayed without ceasing.

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