0W-8 Motor Oil: Too THIN to Trust? Let's Find Out!

Описание к видео 0W-8 Motor Oil: Too THIN to Trust? Let's Find Out!

How thin is 0W-8 motor oil? Toyota now calls for 0W-8 motor oil, which was only recently approved for use by the API. Can it actually protect the engine? Do Toyota dealerships actually install 0W-8 when they do the "free" oil changes? In this video, we put used oil analysis to work to get the answers to those questions, and the results are quite shocking!

Speaking of thin oils, we also took a sample of the CVT fluid from the transmission as well, so check out those results at the end of the video.

In a previous video, I changed the oil in my daughter's new Toyota Corolla before it had 1,000 miles on it. Here's the link to that video:    • AVOID the ONE MISTAKE Almost EVERYONE...  

Then we changed it again after about 3,000 miles. Here's the link to that video:    • New Engine Break-In: Truth or Myth?  

At both oil changes, the Toyota recommended 0W-8 was not yet available because the American Petroleum Institute (API) had not yet approved the use of 0W-8 oils in the US.

Now that it is time for the first "free" oil change at the dealership, are they going to use the Toyota 0W-8 oil? By taking a sample of the oil from the engine AFTER the oil change with a vacuum extraction pump we find out!

Since we are talking about oil changes, here are some links to previous videos on oil filters and oil change procedures:

Should you pre-fill an oil filter?
   • Does Pre-FILLING The Oil FILTER Cause...  

If your oil filter is vertically or horizontally mounted, here's a Short that shows you how to prime the filter before firing the engine:    • Oil Change Hack For Vertically or Hor...  

For more about Oil Analysis, check out: https://www.speediagnostix.com

For a deeper dive into the science of lubrication, check out my good friend Rafe Britton's channel ‪@LubricationExplained‬

The oil analysis results showed that the Toyota Genuine 0W-16 did a great job. It is available at https://amzn.to/3t1iN5H

Who is the ‪@themotoroilgeek‬? I'm a Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Certified Lubrication Specialist and Oil Monitoring Analyst (I've maintained both of those for over a decade). I also worked for Joe Gibbs Racing for 12 years as their lubricant specialist. During that time, we worked with Wix Filters (one of our sponsors) to test and develop filters for our race engines. We also worked with Lubrizol and Chevron-Phillips Chemical to test and develop oils for our race cars. Following that, I was the head of R&D for Driven Racing Oil. During that time, I formulated and tested over 50 products. We also worked with Cummins, Comp Cams, Oak Ridge National Labs and General Motors on various R&D products. Those efforts are recorded in peer reviewed white papers published by SAE International and ACS Sustainable Chemistry journals. I also own and operate SPEEDiagnostix, which provides used oil analysis.

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#oilchange #motoroil #syntheticoil #engine #0w8 #cvttransmission


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