Čoko - nugat rapsodija 🤎 bogat a lagan kolač‼️

Описание к видео Čoko - nugat rapsodija 🤎 bogat a lagan kolač‼️

Čoko-nugat kocke 🤎
7 jaja
300 g šećera
200 ml mlijeka
200 ml ulja
220 g glatkog brašna
60 g oštrog brašna
1 prašak za pecivo
2 velike vrhom pune žl tamnog kakaa
Miksati pjenasto jaja i šećer, dodati ostale sastojke i lagano sjediniti. Peći u plehu 33x43 cm obloženim pek-papirom u pećnici zagrijanoj na 170* - 15 min. Ohladjen biskvit prerezati na dvije kore podjednake debljine.
700 ml mlijeka
3 pudinga od lješnjaka
8 žl šećera
- skuhati i ohladiti. U ohladjeno dodati:
500 g mascarpone sira
300 ml vrhnja za šlag
1 šlag krema nugat
150 g tostiranih mljevenih lješnjaka
2 velike žl linolade nugat
250 ml vrhnja za šlag
250 g tamne čokolade
U zagrijano vrhnje dodati čokoladu. Miješati na laganoj vatri da se sve sjedini. Ohladiti na sobnoj temperaturi da ostane mazivo. Kolač slagati: kora, polovina ganachea, polovina kreme, kora, ostatak ganache i krema.
Ja sam u kremu zaboravila dodati linoladu - zato imam prvi sloj kreme koji je svjetliji 🙃
Dekorirajte po želji. Ja sam na svaki kolač stavila prženi lješnjak i prošarala mliječnom čokoladom.
Ovog kolača dodje baš punoo i super se reže pa spremite ovaj recept jer uskoro nam idu fešte i sigurno će vam biti koristan - detaljan video postupak vas kao i uvijek čeka na @youtube kanalu @just.katebake 🤗
#recept #justkatebake

Chocolate nougat cubes
7 eggs
300 g of sugar
200 ml of milk
200 ml of oil
220 g of plain flour
60 g of sharp flour
1 baking powder
2 large spoonfuls of dark cocoa are filled with the tip Mix the egg foam and sugar, add the other ingredients and mix gently.
Bake in a 33x43 cm tray lined with parchment paper in an oven heated to 170* - 15 min.
Cut the cooled biscuit into two crusts of equal thickness.
700 ml of milk
3 hazelnut puddings
8 tbsp of sugar
- cook and cool.
Add to cooled:
500 g of mascarpone cheese
300 ml of whipping cream
1 whipped cream nougat
150 g of toasted ground hazelnuts
2 large spoons of nutella nougat
250 ml of whipping cream
250 g of dark chocolate
Add chocolate to the heated cream.
Stir over low heat to combine everything. Cool to room temperature to remain soft and spreadable. Assemble the cake:
crust, half of the ganache, half of the cream, crust, the rest of the ganache and cream.
I forgot to add nutella to the cream - that's why I have a lighter first layer of cream 🙃
Decorate as desired. I put a fried hazelnut on each cake and sprinkled it with milk chocolate.
This cake makes a lot of cake and it's great to cut, so save this recipe because the festivities are coming soon and it will surely be useful to you - a detailed video process is waiting for you as always on the @youtube channel @just.katebake 🤗 .
#nougat #cakerecipe


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