ZIIPO - Not Alone (Ft. Dj Api)

Описание к видео ZIIPO - Not Alone (Ft. Dj Api)

[Elektro House] Not Alone Ft. Dj Api
🎧Download/Stream 下载:  / elektro-house-not-alone-free  
👋Subscribe Here 欢迎订阅:https://bit.ly/2IgE4Mc

Follow ZIIPO :
▪ Facebook ;   / ziipo-267402.  .
▪ Instagram ;   / ziipo_179  
▪ SoudCloud ;   / ziipo17  

Follow BMN //神姬SAMA! (欢迎追踪)
▪ Facebook 粉丝专页 :https://bit.ly/2RDhzFy
▪ Twitter 推特专页 :https://bit.ly/2O6NOLL
▪ Soundcloud 享乐平台:https://bit.ly/2DuSfit

🎨 Artwork by ももこ (画师)
Artwork Original : http://bit.ly/2XbjWmO (原图)
Artwork Render : http://bit.ly/2CGLUNG (剪图)


Resources Library 资源库
▪ Free Use Music 免费音乐 :https://bit.ly/2VdIOrK
▪ More Background 背景图 :https://bit.ly/2oXmHry
▪ More Render 剪图库 :https://bit.ly/2vxXqaw

Support Channel 支持频道
▪ Paypal 支持频道 :https://bit.ly/2O6IurF
▪ Patreon 赞助网页:  / bmnsama  

Graphic Design ++
▪ Order design 定制封面 :https://www.fiverr.com/nevjake
▪ Graphic store 模板/设计店 :https://gumroad.com/bmnstore

🔶Patreon list 赞助名额 :https://bit.ly/2TruxXP


©Copyright and other inquiries版权问题:

If I didn't credit your work properly please send me an e-mail to make correction (✉ [email protected])

Music provided by BloodMooN Music

#ZIIPO #NotAlone #musicpromotion #bmnsama


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