Mucho Macho Matchup: MOFI Santana Abraxas Shootout 2024 33RPM Super Vinyl vs. 2x45RPM 2016 One-Step

Описание к видео Mucho Macho Matchup: MOFI Santana Abraxas Shootout 2024 33RPM Super Vinyl vs. 2x45RPM 2016 One-Step

#vinylcommunity #mofi #audiophile

The 1970 Classic 3rd LP from Santana "Abraxas" was the first One-Step release by MOFI. Given it's dynamics and strong initial recording, it was a no-brainer. Well, those 2,500 copies sold like hotcakes and that LP now goes for thousands on the secondary market.

MOFI decided to rerelease it in 2024 on 1 LP at 33RPM using their Super Vinyl formulation for $60.

Let's see how does it stack up to the One-Step in a true head-to-head listening comparison?

0:00 Intro
1:11 Release History
3:27 One-Step Co$t Factor
4:35 DSD - 64 or 256?
6:45 Ratings
11:30 Concluding Analysis
14:15 Outro


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