Guru Sejahtera Hidupmu

Описание к видео Guru Sejahtera Hidupmu

This Jingle / Song was composed during the Pandemic Covid-19,
April 2020.

Composer: Syed Yassin
Singer: Syed Yassin, Syarifah Alya, Mumtazah Insyirah, Syarifah Hana, Syedah Aisyah

Dedicated to all teachers all over the world for all the hard work, efforts and sacrifice in developing us from nobody to who we are today.

I specially dedicated this song/jingle to all my former teachers,
Sekolah Rendah Pusar Ulak,
Sekolah Rendah Hj Salleh Sg Hanching,
Sekolah Ugama Serusop,
Sekolah Ugama Pulaie,
Sekolah Ugama Kg Salambigar,
Sekolah Menengah Sultan Sharif Ali,
Institut Tahfiz Al Quran Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah,
Maktab Duli Pengiran Muda Al Muhatdee Billah,
Universiti Brunei Darussalam

and to my informal teachers/mentor:
Hj Aman, Dr Azizan Osman, Puan Mia and many others I couldnt mentioned.

I would also like to thanks teacher of my daughters, niece and nephew for nurturing them and make them a better person. Without you, it would be hard or impossible!

Last but not least, my gratitude to all Teacher in Brunei Darussalam. It has been a very challenging past few month but you guys manage to do it. I believe its the nature that you, the teachers are born stronger than any other people because the responsible, the sacrifice and the challenge that you have to overcome.

Thank You

Decided to have a go and release it now, which is a month away from Brunei Teachers Day (23rd September 2020)

My Niece and Nephew (Thanks to my brothers and sisters for the support of the video by allowing their kids to joined)
-My Brother, Syed Yunos for making an effort to make this video and using his studio to record the song


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