Upanishad Ganga | Ep 09 -The human goal |Dharma | Raja Harishchandra story |

Описание к видео Upanishad Ganga | Ep 09 -The human goal |Dharma | Raja Harishchandra story |

राजा हरिश्चंद्र की कहानी 🌸Episode 09 - मानव पुरुषार्थ - धर्म 🌸

00:00 - Title Music
02:24 - Purusharthas - The Human Pursuits
03:28 - Vishvamitra's Penance
04:42 - Righteous Harishchandra
07:21 - Harishchandra Leaves Ayodhya
09:03 - Keeping the Promise
10:42 - Highest Price
13:35 - The Final Test
15:44 - Harishchandra Wins
21:17 - End Credits

Purushartha means human goals. The four human goals are dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth/secutiry), kaama (pleasure) and moksha (liberation). This episode deals with dharma and explains how this is the basis of the other three human goals. Rishi Vishwamitra’s penance is disturbed, and finding King Harishchandra in front of him on opening his eyes, he felt that the King was guilty, and asked him to offer his entire kingdom as charity. King Harishchandra gave away all that he had, and went away to Kashi. But Vishwamitra did not leave him, and demanded dakshina (an offering to fulfil the act of charity). He gave Harishchandra one month time and demanded one thousand gold coins. Harishchandra manages to raise this money by selling his wife, son and himself. Adversities continue to knock the doors of Harishchandra. His son is bitten by a snake, and when his wife gets him to the cemetery where Harishchandra works, he demands fee for burning of the dead body. At his wife's inability to pay, he suggests she tears the cloth that she is wearing and give half as fee. Seeing this steadfastness in Dharma/Truth, Vishwamitra is pleased with Harishchandra and blesses him.

The episode "The Human Goal | Dharma | Raja Harishchandra" from Upanishad Ganga emphasizes the moral value of dharma (righteousness) through the legendary story of Raja Harishchandra. Harishchandra's unwavering commitment to truth and righteousness, despite facing extreme adversity, demonstrates the ethical importance of adhering to one's principles.

Key Insights:
Dharma as the Foundation of Life: The story begins by discussing the concept of "Purushartha"—the four human goals: Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (desire), and Moksha (liberation). Dharma is highlighted as the essential guiding principle, emphasizing that following dharma leads to both worldly success and spiritual liberation.

Sacrifice for Truth: Harishchandra is tested on his adherence to truth and duty. He loses his kingdom, sells his wife and son into servitude, and even becomes a slave, yet he remains steadfast in his moral principles. His story illustrates the ultimate sacrifice required to uphold dharma.

Moral Dilemmas: Throughout the narrative, Harishchandra faces numerous moral dilemmas, such as whether to break a vow for personal gain or to remain loyal to truth even when it leads to immense suffering. His perseverance teaches that true dharma involves making difficult decisions for the greater good.

Divine Grace: In the end, Harishchandra’s unshakable righteousness is rewarded by divine intervention. Sage Vishwamitra, who had tested him, grants him liberation from his trials, highlighting that dharma, when followed resolutely, ultimately leads to victory.

The moral of the story is that truth and righteousness (dharma) are the highest virtues in life, and those who remain steadfast in their adherence to these principles, even in the face of extreme hardship, will ultimately triumph. This narrative serves as an inspiration to live a life grounded in integrity, moral courage, and faith in divine justice.

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Upanishad Ganga | Ep 09 -The human goal | Dharma | raja harishchandra story #rajaharishchandra #dharma #Hindi #ChinmayaMission


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