PANEL - The Implications of Gaza War and October 7th

Описание к видео PANEL - The Implications of Gaza War and October 7th

Theme: The Implications of Gaza War and October 7th

The war in Gaza has impacted different regions of the world in different ways. Accordingly, media coverage has also varied, analyzing many narratives that see the war through particular lenses shaped by unique historical circumstances. This panel will discuss the public discourse surrounding the war in Gaza and how media coverage shapes perceptions, while also influencing dialogue at multiple levels, from local to national to global.

Moderator: Mr. Mark Mazzetti, Washington Investigative Correspondent, New York Times

Ms. Diana Buttu, Lawyer and Legal Analyst, Former spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organization

Mr. Gideon Levy, Columnist and Member of Editorial Board, Haaretz

Mr. Rami Khouri, Director of Global Engagement, American University of Beirut

Ms. Mariam Shahin, Writer and Filmmaker, Director of ‘Looting the Holy Land’ and ‘Gaza Fixer 2’

Mr. Jonathan Lord, Senior Fellow and Director Middle East Security Program Center for a New American Security

The 2024 Global Security Forum addressed the theme 'Strategic Competition: The Complexity of Interdependence.'

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