ER KÄMPFTE IN ALGERIEN – UND LEBTE WIE VOR 100 JAHREN: Zeitmaschine ins 19. Jahrhundert 🔎 Lost Place

Описание к видео ER KÄMPFTE IN ALGERIEN – UND LEBTE WIE VOR 100 JAHREN: Zeitmaschine ins 19. Jahrhundert 🔎 Lost Place

Unsere Erkundung dieses verlassenen Ortes sollte eine unserer spektakulärsten Zeitreisen werden, nicht nur auf Grund der Zeitkapsel die wir dort vorfanden, sondern weil dort ALLES einfach zurückgelassen wurde. Steigt mit uns in die Zeitmaschine und kommt mit auf eine Reise zurück ans Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts …

The year is 1959, an armed conflict over Algeria's independence from France is in full swing. It was one of the bloodiest colonial wars of the 20th century. Hundreds of thousands of Algerians died fighting for freedom, and to this day the war in France is preferred to be suppressed as a national shame.

One of these desert warriors was Jean. Together with his two brothers he lived and worked on his parents' farm, an ancient farmhouse from the end of the 19th century. Time seems to have stood still there for more than 100 years. Everything looks the same as it did back then – frozen in time! And that although the place has only been abandoned for 10 years ...

Our exploration of this abandoned place was to become one of our most spectacular journeys through time, not only because of the time capsule we found there, but because EVERYTHING was just left there. Hop onto the time machine and take a journey back to the end of the 19th century...

#urbex #lostplace #zeitkapsel


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