Should you get circumcised ? Benefits and Regrets of 500+ patients shared MGR S01E002

Описание к видео Should you get circumcised ? Benefits and Regrets of 500+ patients shared MGR S01E002

In this episode of the Men's Gray Room our expert ‪@RamanTanwarUrology‬ talks about the advantages and disadvantages of Circumcision.
Many doctors prescribe circumcision and various variants like Stapler and laser circumcision without patient knowing how circumcision can reduce the sensitivity of the glans and make intimacy less pleasurable. Side effects of circumcision may not be acceptable to all despite benefits of hygiene and added protection from STDs.
Our expert recommends circumcision only in patients where it is medically indicated or when it is done for religious reasons. For medical reasons too it is a good idea to get a more modern form of circumcision such as IPC - Inturned Preputial circumcision which keeps a large part of the glans coverage maintained.


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