032 Introduction to Git Subtrees

Описание к видео 032 Introduction to Git Subtrees

Introduction to the 'git subtree' command. Covers adding a repository as a subtree and updating (reverting) that subtree to an older state. Subtrees are a way to track other git repos as dependencies of your own. They provide the same mechanism as Git Submodules but with a different approach.

See also:

Introduction to Git Submodules:    • 008 Introduction to Git Submodules  
More about Git Submodules:    • 009 More about git submodules  

If you are looking for an effective concise introduction to Git, I highly recommend my "Fundamentals of Git" course on Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/fundamen...

If you or your company is interested in live virtual software and tools training, see https://www.continuoustech.net/training/ for a list of training topics we offer.


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