Under Northern Skies | Ruby's Ballad

Описание к видео Under Northern Skies | Ruby's Ballad

This is a ballad to my favorite character that I've written in the Demon Scar Series.

Lullaby by Jayde Salaset
Check out the duology at https://bit.ly/3AfROGG
Use Code LULLABY at checkout for 15% off!

Under Northern Skies


Cold wind whispers night
She walks silent in the light
Eyes red with ancient fire
Heart bound by thin desire

[Verse 2]

Snowflakes fall like tears
She hides from all her fears
Monsters chase her dream
Lost within the forest scream


Under northern skies she roams
Hunted far from any home
Trying good through wicked ways
Through the darkness she still prays

[Verse 3]

Huntress with a demon's face
Hunted in this frozen space
Glimmer of her soul's intent
Beneath the pain a heart is spent


Shadows stretch like long dark fingers
Fear in distant cold that lingers
Chasing down her every stride
In the night she cannot hide


Under northern skies she roams
Hunted far from any home
Trying good through wicked ways
Through the darkness she still prays


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