Manifest something new ~ June 2024 Sidereal New Moon 🌑 Forecast

Описание к видео Manifest something new ~ June 2024 Sidereal New Moon 🌑 Forecast

As the celestial tides turn, we find ourselves on the cusp of a new beginning with the June New Moon, gracing the skies on June 6th at 6:38 am MST. This new moon in the sidereal sign of Taurus, within the fertile and creative Nakshatra of Rohini, beckons us to rise up, embrace transformation, and recalibrate our paths. With Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury all in Taurus, we are presented with a potent mix of grace, wisdom, and creativity, propelling us towards profound growth and renewal.

Rohini, known as the "Red One," signifies ascension and growth. It is a place where the moon's energy is incredibly strong, fostering creativity and fertility. This is a time for planting seeds of intention, nurturing them with care, and watching them bloom into reality. The presence of Venus in Taurus, although combust by the sun, adds an extra layer of sensitivity and transformation. As Venus transitions from the morning star to the evening star, we are urged to release past issues, particularly around relationships, finances, and creative expression, and step into a new phase of our lives with a refreshed perspective.

During this new moon, Venus is in a critical phase of her cycle, undergoing a transformation. She is burning away old patterns, making way for a rebirth as the evening star. This transition can feel unclear and tumultuous, but it is a powerful opportunity for resetting the heart and embracing a new identity. Use this time to recalibrate your values and take the first steps towards a new way of being. The potential for rebirth and renewal is immense, making it an ideal moment for soul retrieval and releasing entanglements that have held you back.

With Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury all residing in Taurus, we experience the harmonious Saraswati Yoga, a conjunction that brings together knowledge-oriented planets with the grounded energy of Taurus. This alignment fosters wealth, abundance, and security, and it is an auspicious time for analyzing personal values, communicating them clearly, and making well-informed plans. Jupiter and Venus, both great teachers, infuse us with grace and wisdom, while Mercury aids in collecting and disseminating information. Lean into this energy to tap into higher knowledge and creative expression.

Mars, now in his own sign of Aries, provides a surge of energy and enthusiasm. This is an excellent period for taking bold actions, starting new projects, and pursuing fresh relationships. Mars encourages productivity and the courage to make significant leaps towards your dreams and goals. However, be mindful of overexertion. Focus on calculated risks and channel this fiery energy into birthing something new and transformative.

This new moon is a fertile ground for creativity to express itself in practical ways. Engage in activities that resonate with your soul—whether it's gardening, poetry, dance, music, or any form of creative expression. Allow the arts and music, the languages of the soul, to flow through you and influence the world with your unique gifts. Take care to avoid overindulgence, and instead, find joy in new experiences and sharing ideas.

Rohini, the moon’s favorite Nakshatra, offers a powerful time for manifesting new beginnings, particularly around financial stability and personal values. Reflect on your intentions for joy, wealth, and what truly brings you pleasure. Use this energy to set clear and meaningful intentions that align with your highest values and desires.

As we navigate this powerful new moon in Taurus, let us rise up and embrace the momentum, grace, wisdom, and creativity it offers. Take this opportunity to reset, transform, and align with your true path. May this new moon be a time of profound rebirth and a stepping stone towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

For myself, I am opening an office and will be more available for Ayurvedic Consultations and Astrology Readings. I am fully committing to my path practicing the Vedic sciences and sharing this wisdom with the world. More information will be coming out in the coming weeks and you will see some shifts in my offerings and availability. You can check out my website here:

I have also recently started a tea company with my own blends of ritualistic tea for your daily prayers and pleasure! Sign up for the monthly subscription to have exquisite tea delivered to wherever you receive mail!

Om Shanti Om—May peace and blessings be with you as you embark on this new journey.

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