【楊桃美食網-3分鐘學做菜】海鮮粥 Seafood Porridge

Описание к видео 【楊桃美食網-3分鐘學做菜】海鮮粥 Seafood Porridge

白飯 200克
高湯 700CC
花枝 25克
蝦仁 30克
魚片 30克
蚵仔 25克
蔥花 5克

200 grams of rice
Clear soup stock 700CC
25 grams squid
30 grams shrimp
30 grams fish
25 grams oysters
5 grams chopped green onions

鹽 1/8茶匙
白胡椒 1/10茶匙
香油 1/2茶匙

1/8 teaspoon salt
1/10 teaspoon white pepper
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil

1. 花枝切絲,蝦仁背部劃開後洗淨瀝乾切丁,蚵仔洗淨,用開水燙過去腥瀝乾備用。。
2. 高湯倒入小湯鍋中煮開後,將壓散的剩飯倒入湯中,煮開後關小火。
3. 小火煮約5分鐘至米粒糊爛。加入做法1的海鮮,並用大匙攪拌開。
4. 再煮約1分鐘後加入鹽、白胡椒粉、香油,拌勻後裝碗。再灑上蔥花即可。

Preparation instructions
1. Shred the squid. cut the shrimp all the way back, wash and drain. Wash off oysters. Use boiling water to scald off the fishy smell and let drip dry.
2. Boiled the broth in a small saucepan and pour in the leftover soup stock, Bring to a boil then lower the heat.
3. Let simmer for about 5 minutes until the rice separates. As before with the first seafood, stir with a tablespoon until it all spreads.
4. Cook for about 1 minute after adding salt, white pepper, sesame oil and mix into a bowl. Then sprinkle with chopped green onions and it's done.

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