THANKSGIVING DAY 2022 | Buhay Canada | Toronto Vlog Filipino

Описание к видео THANKSGIVING DAY 2022 | Buhay Canada | Toronto Vlog Filipino

Celebrating Thanksgiving Day with my kababayan friends aka second family in Canada! Hope you enjoy this video!


Buhay Canada | Pinoy in Canada | Filipino International Student | Common Law Partner | Toronto Canada | Working in Canada | Study in Canada | Philippines to Canada

#toronto #ontario #canada #canadaimmigration #canadavisa #canadalife #canadapr
#markandhd #themunggocouple #munggocouple #torontoniansquad


Connect with us!

Youtube Handle: @MarkHDTheMunggoCouple
Facebook Page:   / themunggocouple  
Instagram:   / themunggocouple  
HD's Instagram:   / hddelacruz  
Mark's Instagram:   / bananamacky  
Tiktok: @markandhd
Email: [email protected]

Love lots,
Mark & HD
The Munggo Couple ♡


Buhay Canada | Pinoy in Canada | Filipino International Student | Common Law Partner | Toronto Canada | Working in Canada | Study in Canada | Philippines to Canada


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