Removing Borders Festival Viminacium Day 3 - 26. 06. 2024

Описание к видео Removing Borders Festival Viminacium Day 3 - 26. 06. 2024

Third day of the “ReMoving Borders” Dancing Histor(y)ies Festival in Archeological Park Viminacium (Serbia).

The theme of the festival, “ReMoving Borders” signifies a process of creative collaboration, which, through workshops and general activities, aims to break down barriers between various cultural and creative activities involving diverse parties: dancers, cultural heritage experts, local artists, between different social and minority groups, between ages and genders, between time and space.

Concert by music school ,,Stevan Mokranjac’’ Požarevac
Performance ‘’Still Moving Bodies’’ by ilDance

Date: 26th of June 2024
Location: Roman Thermae, Archaeological Park Viminacium, Serbia

Still Moving Bodies by ilDANCE

Concept: Israel Aloni
Choreography: Israel Aloni & performers
Performers: ilDance: Arunas Mozuraitis, Victor Persson, Elias Kraft and Elias Khanamidi
Music: Didi Erez, featuring: Fuensanta Blanco, Javier Llanos, Mauro Palmas, Elena Ledda, students of music school Stevan Mokranjac: Ljubica Ilić, Pavla Stanković, Anastasija Kostić, Isidora Pejdo, Aleksa Jović, Dimitrije Ivković, Jovan Petrović
Costumes design and creation: Amanda Wisselgren
Production manager: Hanna Magdalena Gödl
Production assistant: Arunas Mozuraitis
Duration: 40 min
This work was developed in collaboration between the choreographer and the performers in response to the immense knowledge and references that we gained throughout our visits and workshops in Viminacium, Merida and Tharros as part of our research process within the Dancing Histor(y)ies project.
In these encounters we learnt about the incredible histories which are still present and affective through the archeological remains, as well as the vibrant culture and communities which are currently living in these geographic locations.
Through their experiences in these locations, the choreographer, Israel Aloni, became interested in the dynamic of the inbetween. Between the past and the present, between the solid object and the living being, between what happened and the stories that are being told about it and between what is happening now and the stories that will be told about it in the future.

Still Moving Bodies was created specially and specifically for the archeological site in Viminacium with influences from past and present cultures which were and are so vivid in that region. Aloni was drawn to Roman military history in Viminacium in relation to the frequent presence of war in more recent Serbian history. This interest flourished when Aloni and the creative team learnt about Serbian traditional songs and music, and how they feature so powerfully lament and reminiscence to what has been taken away or destroyed by war. The main process of learning about song and music was made possible through the collaboration with the incredible students and teachers of the music school ‘Stevan Mokranjac’ in Požarevac. Additionally, Aloni and the team were really inspired by the immense Roma culture in the area of Viminacium and what powerful dynamic occurs in the interaction and exchange amongst the multiple cultures.

The costume designer of Still Moving Bodies, Amanda Wisselgren, spent valuable time with the students and teachers at the design school in Belgrade and they exchanged knowledge and references both about costume design for performing arts and the extraordinary textile and garments in Serbian culture.

Furthermore, Aloni wanted to find ways to connect the communities in Viminacium, Merida and Tharros through the ephemeral experience of a live performance. The soundtrack, the costumes and the movement language in the piece draw on historical and current cultures in the three locations and bring them together to correspond uniquely with the site and the public in Viminacium.


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