YGOPro - Yajirovader

Описание к видео YGOPro - Yajirovader

This is, undoubtedly, the greatest Yugioh deck ever made. Quite possibly the highest power ceiling ever reached. There is no question in my mind that- since I've revealed this devastating secret- this deck will skyrocket to Tier 0 in both the OCG and TCG when Flames of Destruction hits. Be prepared to buy your copies of Shrub Serpent before they get bought out, cause they'll cost you a pretty penny if you want to compete.

With this deck in my hands, I have never lost a duel and anyone who says I have is a liar who main decks Herald of the Orange Light. Yajirovader is my personal pick for the single most set defining card of 2018, and I'd be thoroughly surprised if you didn't see other youtubers start talking about it the same way.

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   • MoF Game Over - Player's Score  

Link to Jon Moore:
   / houseochampions  

In all seriousness, thank you so much for watching. I put a lot of effort into this video and you taking your time out to watch means a whole lot to me. Please enjoy the rest of your April Fools day.


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